Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Case of the Broken Disposal

Hello, again! What an adventurous few days it has been!!! Last night our garbage disposal decided it wanted to clog up. Great fun...especially since our dishwasher was going too. Word to the wise--DON'T RUN YOUR DISHWASHER WHEN YOUR SINK/DISPOSAL IS CLOGGED, ONLY BAD NEWS WILL FOLLOW. Ou kitchen is flooded and every single towel in the house is being used to mop it up at the present moment. haha! Well, half of the towels are in the dryer trying to relieve some of the excess moisture they have acrued. This event is only getting worse too. We used a whole bottle of drain-o on the disposal (in two shifts, once in the early evening and once before we hit the sack) only to lose the $4.00 it cost to buy the stuff in the first place. It did nothing to help alleviate any of the present water stress. We woke up this morning to find the towels completely saturated. We changed them out like a bandage on a wound and left for work. Now the waiting begins...will our house be under water by the time we get home tonight? Will our carpet need to be replaced? Will our sink ever recover from this horrible tragedy? Only time can tell...

On a brighter note...I GOT ALL A'S!!!! Whoot whoot! I got three A's and one A-, so not a 4.0 entirely, but all A's nevertheless! It raised my GPA which is FANTASTIC because I'd really like to graduate with high honors. School starts again on Monday. Probably a good thing though since I allow myself to pack my nights and weekends WAY too full when I'm not in school. haha! Last night I had a book club meeting with a few friends from my Papa Murphy's working days. It was fun. We had dessert at Chili's. The book we read for it was A Barrel of Laughs, A Vale of Tears. If you look at my Favorite Reads on here you'll see that I found it humorous and a fun, light-hearted read. The book for next time is I Am Number Four. I'm excited about it. I will be downloading it tonight to the Kindle :)

I will keep you posted on the disposal fiasco!
Until next time--Ciao!


  1. Hehehehe!!!! Been there done that. It is worse when you have a toilet that clogs and keeps running and floods your entire downstairs (and your neighbors house too). We have had like 3 floods since we have lived here. Once was the washing machine, once the toilet, and once the dishwasher. Oh yea. Our roof leaked too. Just think of all the fun things you have to look forward to :)

  2. Well, at least WE didn't have to fix it this time...that's the one good thing about being in an apartment I guess!
