Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Almost made it!

Well, I have officially been accepted into the Education Program at Weber State University. I still ahve to get my background check and my finger prints taken, but I can't really do that until right before I start student teaching. The disappointing part of being accepted is I didn't even get a letter in the mail. I took my grades in from last semester last night before class and the girl went and made a copy of the acceptance letter...I didn't even get a REAL printed letterhead letter! Oh well, I guess. I made it in. Now I just gotta get back into the spirit of being in school. The farther I get into my education classes, the less I like them. haha. Go figure. I may be getting my masters sooner than I had expected! (just don't tell Justin...haha!)

Outdoor soccer starts tonight! Whoot whoot! I'm so excited/nervous. I'm going to be so messed up from indoor...some rules are just too different! But it will be fun. AND it's ACTUALLY a nice day for once!

Oh, we got the kitchen cleaned up a few days after the leak occurred. The problem seemed to be a simple fix, but the disaster left behind, not so much. Our floor is STILL like an ice rink, despite all the mopping we have done.

Justin and I have been trying to figure out some fun Mother's Day gifts...since that's on Sunday! It totally snuck up on us this year! If anyone has any ideas, let me know!

Until next time--Ciao!

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