Monday, April 25, 2011


Well, what a busy weekend it has been! Full of fun, friends and family. Justin and I were packed from the moment we left work on Friday until the moment we went to bed Sunday night.

Friday we went to Mikado's for a sushi dinner. Now, I must explain that before I met Justin I would never have even TOUCHED sushi, let alone eaten it. Not only did I eat it, I actually ENJOYED it! I might think about eating there more often. The sushi I enjoyed the most was called Shelly. It wasn't wrapped in seaweed so that was even better. The flavor was delicious. It had cilantro in it, and I LOVE the taste of cilantro. I tried a few other kinds too that Brian had ordered for us, but that one was by far my favorite. The down side to going out to dinner was that we missed soccer practice, but discovering a new love of sushi was ALMOST worth it :) haha!

Saturday morning we went to breakfast at Cracker Barrel. We went with my in-laws, Brian's mom and brother (Dela and Mark), and the Neils. It was decent. I didn't order what I normally get, so I was a little disappointed, but I love their hashbrown casserole, so that made it all ok. After that we had to go grocery shopping and get a little bit of laundry done as well as made a couple of treats for the triple date we were planning to go on that night. We went to Boondocks with our friends Brittany and Brandon, and Jami and Sam. We played some mini golf and in the arcade. I'm horrible at mini golf, by the way. HORRIBLE. But it was fun. We then went back to Brittany and Brandon's to watch Harry Potter 7 part 1. It was really good! I enjoyed it!

Sunday we made brownies for dessert for one party, took our potato salad to my parents for the other party, then went to church. We left after Justin's lesson to get up to Tremonton for the Eggli Easter party. There we ate some food, colored an egg, raced the egg and then threw the egg. I can't draw, so instead of a picture or design, I decided to write a short poem on my egg. It said something like "These eggs we roll, this fun Easter day and then we'll throw them far, far away!" Justin drew camoflauge all over his egg. It was pretty sweet! We left there and headed to my family party at my parents. They had already eaten and had the egg hunt by then and were getting cleaned up. However, everyone stuck around for awhile, so we did get to spend some time with everyone. We had to stop back by my in-laws after that in order for me to help Katie with her homework. When we got home, it was time to relax!!!!! haha! We pretty much went straight to bed. It had been a long and adventurous weekend!

Oh, I'm sure you probably guessed by now, I didn't get to do the Easter egg hunt I had planned with the Primary kids because I wasn't in church long enough to lead the music. Since the other leader is having a baby soon, I'm off for two months so she can have two months off after her baby comes. CRAZY! I'll miss being there though. I love those little kidlets!

Today it's back to the daily grind. Grades still aren't in yet, but hopefully soon! Justin talked his boss into letting him switch his schedule to the 9-80 schedule, which means he'll get every other Friday off...lucky guy! He plans to go golfing a lot, which is good. He needs to enjoy his summer while he can. I start school in a week. :s Yikes! But until then, I'm enjoying my free time of reading and being with Just as much as possible.

PS I forgot my camera all weekend no fun pictures :( TOTALLY BUMMED!

Until next time--Ciao!

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