Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wrapping things up!

Last night I played soccer and got roughed up enough to get a penalty kick (ok, so my tumble fall was great, but I only got a PK because the other team had met their limit on fouls...) I scored! Wahoo! I tried to keep my celebrating to a minimum though. I got a couple pretty sweet battle wounds from it though.

This morning I had an oral presentation in my Technical Writing class. Christine and I have been working on this project all semester. We got our report finished a couple of weeks ago and did our presentation this morning. We're done with that class! Wahoo! The presentation went well too. The class was laughing, which is good, considering a leaky roof is actually pretty boring...haha! Overall, pretty pleased with how that turned out.

The semester is wrapping up. I have another presentation tomorrow night with my group (I'm a little bit more nervous for that one, because there's four of us and one hasn't really been coming to class lately), a couple tests and then I'm done until May! Wahoo! It seemed to be a pretty steady semester this time. It didn't drag on and it wasn't too rushed either. Hopefully summer will be like that too.

Sorry I've been slow about posting things. School hasn't been extremely rushed, but it has kept me on my toes, so I haven't had a whole lot of extra time to get poetry and stories up. I promise I will though!

Well, until next time--Ciao!

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