Saturday, April 2, 2011


Wow! Such a monumental day for my little family on this day! April first is Justin's birthday, our engagement anniversary (2 years now...wahoo!) and his mom's anniversary of getting a job at Chevron (I think it was 26 years ago now...). CRAZINESS!!!! What's the next thing to happen on this awesome day!??!?!

I should probably tell you the tale of our sweet and awesome engagement. Justin recreated our first date of going to Taggart's for dinner. Then he took me to my favorite shake shop in Morgan (Steph's). We drove around looking for a place to eat them, and wound up in the Jubilee parking lot. So romantic, I know :) But it was perfect for us and our crazy, hair-brained selves! We were eating our shakes and talking and then he pulled out a ring pop and asked me to marry him. I had to ask a bazillion times if it was an April Fool's joke. He assured me it wasn't. I, of course, said yes with tears streaming down my face and wore that ring pop religiously for a week until the ring he'd had made was finished. Then he re-proposed at the Bountiful temple one night. Got down on his knee and said, "I know you already said yes, but are you sure you want to marry me?" I started crying again, of course, and said "YES!" The ring is GORGEOUS! I love it! He custom made it all by himself. The rest is history :)

For Just's birthday I made him breakfast in bed, we had soccer practice that evening, then we got some Cafe Rio (our favorite!) and watched Finding Nemo. How could it get any better than that?!

I bet you're thinking, 'What is this? No jokes?' That's right. No jokes. I did try to tell Just we're pregnant, but he sure didn't believe me. haha! I've never been able to pull pranks or tell little fibs. People can read me like a book! So, I gave up trying long ago. Besides, it's Justin's birthday. How cruel would it be to pull a prank on him on his BIRTHDAY? Maybe one day I'll think of something...

Got lots to do today, so until next time--Ciao!

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