Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Tonight was a good night. I scored my very first goal in soccer...ever. That's right, ever. Sad to say, but it's true. I'm a loser like that. I normally play defense and don't know how to handle the ball at all, but I was given the perfect rebound pass. Pretty much impossible to screw up. It was fun. And I've enjoyed making a big deal out of it. I should be humble now and give credit to Sam, the guy who assisted the goal. It was an indoor game, still have yet to score outdoor. That will be when all the REAL celebrations begin :) haha. Justin hurt his ankle though. He had ripped some tendons in it during outdoor and now he messed it up again. I hope it heals quickly.

Three more weeks of school. Crazy! I have lots of tests and projects to keep me busy, that's for sure. The end is in sight!!!! Only one week break and then it's back to school for me! I'll be going part-time this summer. Ugh! I need to finish school, though. It's starting to get old...and expensive. At least the courses I'm taking are only six weeks long. That will be a nice break...at least from school. haha!

Well, I'd better go hit the books. Until next time--Ciao!


  1. good job on your goal tina! woot woot! and good luck finishing up w/school :)

  2. It was a great goal! Congrats on your first and hopefully there will be more to come! :D

  3. Thanks, guys! I hope there will be more too. Lindsay, I hope pregnancy is going well and you guys are all ready for the baby to come!
