Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Tonight was a good night. I scored my very first goal in soccer...ever. That's right, ever. Sad to say, but it's true. I'm a loser like that. I normally play defense and don't know how to handle the ball at all, but I was given the perfect rebound pass. Pretty much impossible to screw up. It was fun. And I've enjoyed making a big deal out of it. I should be humble now and give credit to Sam, the guy who assisted the goal. It was an indoor game, still have yet to score outdoor. That will be when all the REAL celebrations begin :) haha. Justin hurt his ankle though. He had ripped some tendons in it during outdoor and now he messed it up again. I hope it heals quickly.

Three more weeks of school. Crazy! I have lots of tests and projects to keep me busy, that's for sure. The end is in sight!!!! Only one week break and then it's back to school for me! I'll be going part-time this summer. Ugh! I need to finish school, though. It's starting to get old...and expensive. At least the courses I'm taking are only six weeks long. That will be a nice break...at least from school. haha!

Well, I'd better go hit the books. Until next time--Ciao!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A slap of reality

Well, Vegas is officially over. We're back in the swing of things. We got home Tuesday evening just in time to go to our soccer game at 8:00pm. We lost...of course...but that's ok. It's always good to get a little exercise time in. We still haven't had a chance to unpack or get our house put back together. It still looks like a tornado hit and didn't leave behind any facsimile of possible human existence. This morning we woke up and Justin's mom let us know some bad news: Harley (one of Justin's family dogs) died last night :( It makes me want to cry. I've never really had a pet that I've been real close with, but with Harley I just loved her to pieces! She was such a great dog and was like me in so many ways--the most prominent one was her neediness. She would cuddle up next to me and I'd get warm while petting her. It was a win-win situation for both of us. Harley was a golden lab. Gorgeous dog. She didn't like thunder or fireworks and chewed through several collars and fences to escape the sound. She was diagnosed with cancer in her ear this past week and waited until we got home to leave us. At least she went on her own terms. There is a poem I wrote dedicated to her. Enjoy it!

On a brighter note, Vegas was AMAZING! We all had a blast. We arrived Friday night, the 11th of March and checked in at the MGM Grand. We rode the roller coaster at New York New York, which was CLASSIC! We got a couple awesome pictures from that. We played around in the lazy river and went to one awesome show! If you ever make it to Vegas and want a great show to go to, I'd recommend a few: Donnie & Marie, Le Reve, and Cirque Du Soleil-Mystere! All three were wonderful (Cirque is the most fresh in my memory though). Justin got to play a part in Mystere. He was part of the pre-show act and was taken from his seat. It was great. We were all laughing at the comedy presented and awed by the talent of the performers. I had my first experience of gambling--I played the slots. Next time, I'll bring enough to play the tables, because that looked like a LOT more fun. haha! Or maybe I'll go back to my old ways of avoiding it at all costs. We ran into my best friend, Ashley and her boyfriend down there. We were staying at the same hotel. Random! But it was fun to meet up with them and have some lunch. We came home to rainy weather, but today should be decent and soccer practice will ensue. I'm just glad we didn't come home to school. That would have made this week even longer. Spring Break is here, but like all good things, it must come to an end.

HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!! I hope you're all wearing green so no one can pinch you!

Until next time, Ciao!

Friday, March 11, 2011


Yes, Yes, YES!!!! It is finally Friday! Not only is it Friday, but it's the Friday before Spring Break. It is also the Friday that we leave for Vegas!!!! FANTASTIC!!!! I am so excited! We are staying in the MGM Grand for four nights. On Monday we're going to see Cirque du Soleil-Mystere. I can't wait to sit by the pool, soak in some rays, relax, and eat the BEST food EVER with my husband and in-laws. I think this weekend will be just what the doctor ordered!

Until next time--Ciao!

Monday, March 7, 2011


Today is my 25th birthday. I'm a quarter century old! CRAZY!!!! I don't feel very old though (one of the major bonuses of marrying someone younger than me...he always keeps me on my toes!) It has been a pretty good birthday so far, considering I've had school and work all day. Tonight Justin is taking me out to Cafe Rio for some yummy dinner! (not until 8:30 when I get off though...) This year I have NO IDEA what I am getting from ANYONE. Normally I can guess a few things from various people in the family, but this year everyone has me guessing!

I finished my book "19 Minutes" today and started "The Book Thief." If you have any further recommendations, PLEASE let me know. I love reading and it's always a blast to try out new authors and genres!

Oh! One of my favorite shows started back up today! I'm excited to watch it! It's called "The Event." I've recently gotten into some new shows and LOVE them! Justin and I are avid fans of "The Mentalist," "Criminal Minds," "House," "The Event," "Biggest Loser," "Survivor," and I absolutely love "Pretty Little Liars" (not so much Justin...hahaha) If anyone follows any of those shows, feel free to pop up a discussion on them. I LOVE them!

Until next time--Ciao!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Sad, sad day...

Today I found out when I can register for school, so I decided to look up the summer schedule for the classes I need.  There is no way I can work and go to school.  How does anyone expect me to get an education if I can't even pay for it?!?!  I don't understand what I'm supposed to do now.  So frustrated!  I work an 8-5 job and go to school full time.  Shouldn't there be a way to accommodate people that don't have their schooling and money handed to them on a silver platter?  I can't take classes from 11:00-8:00, it just doesn't work for a full time position...ANYWHERE!

I guess on the bright side, today is Friday!  Yeah for the weekend!  A week from today we leave for Vegas for a few fun-filled days and I can hardly wait!!!!  In three days I turn 25...weird...but I'm excited!  Granted, I do have work and school all day, but that's nothing new...so I'll just have to make the best of it!  Reading books, here I come!

Speaking of books, right now I'm reading "19 Minutes" by Jodi Picoult.  If you like a mix of mystery, criminal justice, and psychology her books are AMAZING!  (she does swear though, so if that turns you off of books, I wouldn't recommend reading hers...)  I read "House Rules" last week by her and LOVED it.  I'm almost done with this one.  It is about a school shooting and it goes into the minds of the defense attorney, detective, judge and shooter.  It's very interesting.

Until next time, Ciao!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Shout out!

I'm up and running!  A big shout out to my good friend Jenny Hirst for helping me get set up, my loving husband Justin for encouraging me to get  a blog up, and to my brother Scott for giving me the initial shove.  You're amazing!  I hope you all enjoy what I share.  Feel free to comment or give any suggestions.  I'm still a little slow at getting stuff up right now, but until next time--Ciao!