Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Summer Camping

Well! Despite being stuck in school all summer, Justin and I have managed to go camping a couple weekends so far. We went up to Red Spur the first time with his family. We stayed a couple nights then headed back home for the Layton 5K fun run. Up there we saw a badger. First time I've ever seen one in the wild! It was kinda scary. Justin also killed a rock chuck with his brand new BB gun...but then his gun broke and now we have to send it back. haha. It was good times up there in Red Spur. Last weekend we went up to Plymouth with my family and stayed one night. We got hit by two freak funnel clouds! It was awesome...well, it would have been if we weren't stuck in the pounding hail trying to hold the awnings on our trailers down to keep them from breaking off. It was CRAZY! We were completely soaked and had been pelted enough times that there were welts. We managed to salvage the awnings and get inside before too much damage occurred. It was the first "tornado" I've ever been in. Hopefully the last.

We're still in school right now. UGH! So sick of it!!! haha. Too bad we don't get much of a break before fall semester starts up. We ARE going to try to take a road trip for a few days the weekend before it starts though. Fingers crossed that we can make it!

Soccer is still in session...at least our Friday night league. This Friday is our last game though. Hopefully it won't be nearly as hot as it has been. They have been SCORCHING hot games considering we're used to playing in the snow and whatnot.

Anyway, that's the update up to this point. Until next time--Ciao!!

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