Thursday, May 23, 2013

Crock-Pot Mishap...again...and other Wednesday disasters

Worst Wednesday ever.  Ok, so maybe not EVER, but it was pretty crappy all the same.  It started out fine.  Work was work.  I even had placed dinner in the crockpot before I left with happy expectations of a yummy meal when I got home.  However, that dream was crushed when I walked into my house and smelled the smoky scent of burned chicken...again.  My dinner had been ruined by my crockpot for the fourth time.  I have about had it with this stupid thing.  I shouldn't have to stand guard over it non-stop...the whole purpose of a crockpot is to leave the food in it and WALK AWAY, come back and have a delicious meal in front of you.  Not with my dumb crockpot.  It has decided that it wants to burn EVERYTHING!  I don't know what's wrong.  It didn't use to burn things, but now every time I cook something unattended for more than a few hours, it's black and crispy when I return.  Does anyone that reads this know how to solve this vexing problem?!  I cook everything on low, but apparently "LOW" on my crockpot is code for hellacious heat!  I'm tired of ruining dinners and wasting money and time like that.  It has happened twice this no more crockpot meals for this gal! 

After Justin and I went to get dinner (since obviously burned chicken is not approved for consumption) I had two soccer games to play at.  The wind picked up and it was ridiculously cold.  We all froze.  Luckily I had left ear warmers in my bag and was able to keep my little ears warm.  However, our team lost 3-2.  Bummer deal, seriously.  I was subbing for a friend on another team (which just happens to be my brother's second team as well).  I went to that field, in a different city entirely, and found that she had gotten three people to sub for her, so I wasn't needed.  I was irritated that I had driven out there and waited in the cold to find out that I wasn't going to be playing.  I left early, but in my hurry to get out of the cold wind (it seriously felt like December again!) I left my brand spankin' new water bottle (that was a sweet gift from my awesome hubby) at the field!  Scott didn't see it, or he would have grabbed it for me.  I am really ticked about that, because it was a nice water bottle and it was perfect for my long runs and soccer games.  But it is no more.  Sigh. 

On top of all that, my ankle and foot were in disarray because of a girl on the other team that didn't know how to play soccer right and thought it was a slide - tackle - into - Tina and kick - Tina's - ankle - until - she -can - no - longer - walk game, not soccer.  Oh well, comes with the territory I guess.  I iced it and put it up when I got home.  It is still sore today, but at least I can walk.

The best part of everything, is that tomorrow is a new day.  Despite having a crappy day, I at least have things to be thankful for--one of which is that today is Thursday, not Wednesday (so one day closer to Saturday!), it's not windy, and even though I'm exhausted, I can still read my book at work and get paid to do so!  haha!

San Jose plays tonight.  Fingers crossed!!  I have futsol and a four mile run I gotta do tonight.  Justin has an activity with the young men.  Should be a good night!  

On a side note--I still feel weird about being graduated.  I feel like I should be doing homework or registering or buying books or reading textbooks or SOMETHING!  It's all very surreal.  But, it's a good kind of feeling to know that I am a full-time employee again.  YEAH!!!!  Some days drag on, but they did that when I was in school too, but I have a feeling things are going to be getting kinda crazy around these parts soon enough!

Ciao for now!

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