Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Here We Go!

Well, now that school is out (kinda) and hockey is over (kinda) I am going to take a minute to update the good ole blog.  I am currently taking two summer courses to finish up my English degree.  I finish one class tomorrow (thank heavens!) and will begin the next one next week.  After that I have a one week break and fall semester begins again...yippee!
Right now Justin and I are super busy (what else is new right?).  I am playing soccer two nights a week and he is playing hockey one night a week (thus why hockey is only kinda over--NHL is over, but now Justin is playing again).  I'm also training for another half marathon (I know, I know...I said I'd never do it again).  I am actually loving my runs this time, I don't feel so overwhelmed by training.  I might be singing a different tune once race day shows its sleepy head.  However, training does take a lot of time, time that I just don't have with night school two nights a week, soccer two nights, and hockey, but maybe after this month it won't be so busy because night school will be over and soccer will be over. 
However!  Justin and I are embarking on a couple new adventures.  We are going to be playing softball this summer (WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?!?) which should prove to be interesting since I have zero hand-eye coordination and absolutely no ability to throw a sure to await for posts of death :)
And we are currently in the process of...wait for it...BUYING A HOME!!!!  Yep!  That's right!  We are purchasing a cute little home in Sunset, Utah.  It is 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom.  Smaller than we had originally planned on, but we fell in love and everything just fell into place perfectly.  It has taken less than month from beginning to end (looking at it one day and making an offer to signing our life away on the mortgage).  We officially sign on the 28th of this month, which gives us two days to move out of our apartment and clean it (since our lease is up on the 30th).  Needless to say, in between all the sports, training, homework, school, work, and church we have been boxing up, packing, organizing our life, and taking all the necessary actions to get this process completed.  It has been one adventure after the next, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. 
Packing, as much as I hate it, has been good because I have been able to throw some things away.  Most of these things I didn't even know I had and often times wondered why I kept it in the first place.  It is almost theraputic.
And that's where things stand at this point.  I'll do my best to update with more adventures throughout the summer.  But I've said that before...



  1. Oh how exciting, I love all the posibilities a home gives you! Good luck on this summer's adventures.

  2. Thanks, Jenny! I'm really terrible at this whole blog thing, so thanks for making me feel like it's worth writing on. We enjoyed all of our adventures...even softball, but especially our home. You're so right, it does give us so many more possibilities.
