Monday, August 29, 2011

2nd Anniversary Adventures

SOOOO! I have yet again fallen behind. Go figure. Justin and I had our two year anniversary last Monday (August 15th). We went golfing and ate at Cafe Rio. YUMMY! It was my first time golfing and it was a blast!!!! I can't wait to go again! We got massages from my sister a couple days later and then Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday we took off for a fun road trip as our summer vacation getaway. It was so much fun! We started off in Vegas and stayed the night at Mandalay Bay. We ate at the Treasure Island buffet and went swimming. Then we headed to Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon. Oh my B-E-A-UTIFUL!!!!!! I was in awe when I looked at the Grand Canyon. I have never seen someting so massive that when you look at it, it almost looks fake due to it's vastness. We stayed in Flagstaff that evening then headed out for the Four Corners monument. That was fun too. Standing in four different places in two different time zone all at the same time. Wow! haha! We then headed up through Colorado and into Moab, Utah. We stayed there for the evening and then hiked in Arches National Park before heading home. It was a wonderful adventure!

We started school the day after we got home. We are bogged down this semester to say the least. We're both still working full time and going to school full time. We leave about 7:30 in the morning and get home around 8:30 or 9:00 almost every night. Then it's homework until we can't take it anymore (Justin usually lasts until about midnight). Dinner usually gets thrown in there somewhere. I'm taking some different classes. I have two psych classes, two ESL classes, and my fiction writing class. Justin is taking Physics and drafting courses.

Sad to say that soccer is out of the question this semester :( I'm very upset by it. However, it's not all entirely due to school, Clearfield decided to not have an outdoor league this season and are re-doing the fields. I'm bummed, but I guess if they had to cancel any season, this would be a great semester to not have to worry about saying no to soccer! I do miss working out though. I haven't even been running! I just need to get motivated. It's hard though when I'm so tired and exhausted when I get home and it's too dark/scary in my neighborhood in the mornings anymore...oh well. Maybe one day!

That's about the gist of our lives at the present moment. Until next time--Ciao!